Remington 1100 Serial Numbers Lookup
Dec 11, 2011 Model 1100 serial numbers (on the receiver) started with the number 1001. All but the early guns also have a prefix letter. All Model 1100 Remington shotguns were serial numbered in blocks of numbers. Each serial number has a suffix and the following indicates the meaning: V = 12ga. If your firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email to the address below, the serial number and model number we can determine the approximate age of your firearm. Contact Remington through their Help Center by e-mail at or call. Low serial numbers has no bearing on that particular guns value - because some of the earlier models had problems that was fixed in later versions. Model 1100's are collected by trap / wingshooters that uses them for competition purposes and also hunters that uses them for everyday use. Remington 870, 700, 1100 Serial/Barrel Number Lookup Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup enables you to check when your Remington firearm was manufactured. Remington Barrel Date. Remington never (.) used serial numbers to identify the date of. Source which should be checked for date of manufacture as they would be. Model 700 Date of Manufacture. Since serial numbers were not required until 1968, your firearm may not have a serial number. For models without a serial number, we may be able to determine the age by the 2-3 letters that are stamped on the barrel. If your firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email us the serial number and model number we can determine the.
- Remington 1100 Serial Numbers Lookup Reverse
- Remington 1100 Serial Numbers Lookup Chart
- Remington 1100 Dates Of Manufacture
- Remington 1100 Serial Numbers Lookup
.270 WIN Posts: 216 Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:08 pm | Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:50 am Call or email Remington and give them the serial number, they will tell you when it was born, however keep in mind they do make errors. Back up what they tell you with this information; DECODING REMINGTON SERIAL NUMBERS Model 870 LETTER PREFIX 1950 TO APPROX 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) S-68, T-74, V-78, W-84, X-90, A-91, B-94, C-97, D-01, AB-05 Model 870 LETTER SUFFIX (DESIGNATES GAUGE) V 12 GA. (2 3/4”) M 12 GA. MAGNUM (3”) A 12 GA. “SUPER” MAGNUM (3 ½”) W 16 GA. ( 2 ¾” ) X 20 GA. “HEAVY FRAME” (DISCONTINUED) N 20 GA. “HEAVY FRAME MAGNUM” (DISCONTINUED) K 20 GA. “LIGHT WEIGHT” (“LW”) (ALSO INCLUDES M/1100 “LT”) U 20 GA. LW MAGNUM (ALSO INCLUDES M/1100 “LT”) J 28 GA. H .410 BORE (2 ½” OR 3”) Model 1100 LETTER PREFIX 1963 TO APPROX. 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) L-68, M-74, N-78, P-85, R-90 Model 1100 LETTER SUFFIX SAME STRUCTURE AS THE Model 870 listed above Model 1187 LETTER PREFIX 1987 TO PRESENT: “PC” 12 GA., 1999 “TL“ 20 GA., 2000 “SM” SUPER MAG. LETTER SUFFIX NO LETTER SUFFIX ON THIS MODEL Then look on the left side of the barrel near the receiver and look for a two letter date code stamp and follow this chart with the first letter being the month and the second being the year the barrel was made; Month B - Jan L - Feb A - Mar C - Apr K - May P - Jun O - Jul W - Aug D - Sep E - Oct R - Nov X - Dec Year M - 1921 N - 1922 P - 1923 R - 1924 S - 1925 T - 1926 U - 1927 W - 1928 X - 1929 Y - 1930 Z - 1931 A - 1932 B - 1933 C - 1934 D - 1935 E - 1936 F - 1937 G - 1938 H - 1939 J - 1940 K - 1941 L - 1942 MM - 1943 NN - 1944 PP - 1945 RR - 1946 SS - 1947 TT - 1948 UU - 1949 WW - 1950 XX - 1951 YY - 1952 ZZ - 1953 A - 1954 B - 1955 C - 1956 D - 1957 E - 1958 F - 1959 G - 1960 H - 1961 J - 1962 K - 1963 L - 1964 M - 1965 N - 1966 P - 1967 R - 1968 S - 1969 T - 1970 U - 1971 W - 1972 X - 1973 Y - 1974 Z - 1975 I - 1976 O - 1977 Q - 1978 V - 1979 A - 1980 B - 1981 C - 1982 D - 1983 E - 1984 F - 1985 G - 1986 H - 1987 I - 1988 J - 1989 K - 1990 L - 1991 M - 1992 N - 1993 O - 1994 P - 1995 Q - 1996 R - 1997 S - 1998 T - 1999 (*) U - 2000 (*) V - 2001 (*) W - 2002 X - 2003 Y - 2004 Z - 2005 A - 2006 B - 2007 C - 2008 D - 2009 E - 2010 F - 2011 G - 2012 H - 2013 I - 2014 Merry Christmas Everybody We have done so much for so long with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing! |
Description: A lighter, streamlined version, of the Model 11. The first new shotguns to be introduced by Remington after World War II.

Introduction Year: 1949
Remington 1100 Serial Numbers Lookup Reverse

Year Discontinued: 1969
Total Production: Approximately: 455,600
Designer/Inventor: L.Ray Critendon, Ellis Hailston, and C.R. Johnson
Action Type: Autoloading with a recoiling barrel action
Remington 1100 Serial Numbers Lookup Chart
Caliber/Gauge: 12, 16, 20, 28,.410 Gauges
Serial Number Blocks:
12 ga. – Approximately 5,000,000 – 5,172,000*
16 ga. – Approximately 5,500,000 – 5,571,000*
20 ga. – Approximately 5,800,000 – 5,848,000*
28 ga. – Approximately 4,009,000 – 4,027,000*
.410 – Approximately 4,100,000 – 4,125,000*
*Some 12 ga. Models have serial numbers from approximately 20,000 – 213,000
Remington 1100 Dates Of Manufacture

Grades Offered:
Model 11-48A – Standard Grade
Model 11-48R – Riot Grade
Model 11-48B – Special Grade
Model 11-48D – Tournament Grade
Model 11-48F – Premier Grade
Model 11-48 RSS – Rifled Slug Special
Sportsman 48
Mohawk 48 (1970 – 1974)